

“Spinodal-Based Co-Continuous Composites for High Performance Battery Electrodes” Inventors: J.A. Witt, A. Mohraz, D.R. Mumm, US Patent Number 11,362,339 Issued June 14, 2022.

“Spinodal-Based Co-Continuous Composites for High Performance Battery Electrodes” Inventors: J.A. Witt, A. Mohraz, D.R. Mumm, US Patent Number 10,714,758 Issued July 14, 2020.

“Tissue Integrated Drug Delivery System” Inventors: T.J. Thorson, L. Groisman, A. Mohraz, E.L. Botvinick, PCT Application number PCT/US2019/013825 filed January 16, 2019.

“Self-Assembly Derived Co-Continuous Materials for Biomedical Devices”, Inventors: A. Mohraz, T.J. Thorson, E.L. Botvinick, PCT Application number PCT/US2018/036787 filed June 8, 2018.


Ching, H.; and Mohraz, A., A basic model for the nonlinear rheology of bijels, J. Rheol., 69, 45-54 (2025)

Gonthier, A.R.; Botvinick, E.L.; Grosberg, A.; Mohraz, A., Effect of Porous Substrate Topographies on Cell Dynamics: A Computational Study, ACS Biomater. Sci. Eng., 9, 10, 5666-5678 (2023)

Lee, J.; Mohraz, A.; and Won, Y., Enhanced Capillary Wicking through Hierarchically Porous Constructs Derived from Bijel Templates, LANGMUIR, 38, 14063-14072 (2022)

Thiraux, R.; Dupuy, A.D.; Lei, T.; Rupert, T.J.; Mohraz, A.; and Valdevit, L., Damage tolerance in additively manufactured ceramic architected materials, JOURNAL OF THE EUROPEAN CERAMIC SOCIETY, 42, 5893-5903 (2022)

Gross, S.J; Hsieh, M.T.; Mumm, D.R.; Valdevit, L.; and Mohraz, A., Alleviating expansion-induced mechanical degradation in lithium-ion battery silicon anodes via morphological design, EXTREME MECHANICS LETTERS, 54, 101746 (2022)

Ching, H.; and Mohraz, A., Bijel rheology reveals a 2D colloidal glass wrapped in 3D, SOFT MATTER, 18, 4227-4238 (2022)

Gross, S.J.; McDevitt, K.M.; Mumm, D.R.; Mohraz, A., Mitigating Bubble Traffic in Gas-Evolving Electrodes via Spinodally Derived Architectures, ACS APPLIED MATERIALS AND INTERFACES, 13, 8528-8537 (2021)

Ching, H.; Thorson, T.J.; Paul, B.; Mohraz, A., Rapid production of bicontinuous macroporous materials using intrinsically polymerizable bijels, MATERIALS ADVANCES, 2, 5067-5075 (2021)

Mohraz, A.; and Thorson T.J., edited by P.S. Clegg, “Post-processing Bijels for Applications", Book Chapter in Bijels: Bicontinuous Particle-stabilized Emulsions, ROYAL SOCIETY OF CHEMISTRY, ISBN 978-1-78801-520-2 (2020).

Pham, Q.N.; Zhang, S.; Hao, S.; Montazeri, K.; Lin, C.; Lee, J.; Mohraz, A.; and Won, Y., Boiling Heat Transfer with a Well-Ordered Microporous Architecture, ACS APPLIED MATERIALS AND INTERFACES, 12, 19174 (2020).

Kaganyuk, M.; and Mohraz, A., Shear-induced deformation and interfacial jamming of solid-stabilized droplets, SOFT MATTER 16, 4431 (2020).

Luo, J.C.; Ching, H.; Wilson, B.G.; Mohraz, A.; Botvinick, E.L.; and Venugopalan, V., Laser cavitation rheology for measurement of elastic moduli and failure strain within hydrogels, SCIENTIFIC REPORTS 10, Art. No. 13144 (2020).

McDevitt, K.M.; Mumm, D.R.; Mohraz, A., Improving Cyclability of ZnO Electrodes through Microstructural Design, ACS APPLIED ENERGY MATERIALS (2019)

Garcia, A.E.; Wang, C.W.; Sanderson, R.N.; McDevitt, K.M.; Zhang, Y.; Valdevit, L.; Mumm, D.R.; Mohraz, A.; Ragan, R., Scalable Synthesis of Gyroid-Inspired Freestanding Three-Dimensional Graphene Architectures, NANOSCALE ADVANCES, 1, 3870-3882 (2019)

Kaganyuk, M.; Mohraz, A., Impact of Particle Size on Droplet Coalescence in Solid-Stabilized High Internal Phase Emulsions, LANGMUIR, 35, 39, 12807-12816 (2019) (cover article)

Thorson, T.J.; Gurlin, R.E.;Botvinick, E.L.; Mohraz, A., Bijel-Templated Implantable Biomaterials for Enhancing Tissue Integration and Vascularization, ACTA BIOMATERIALIA, 94, 173-182 (2019)

McDevitt, K.M.; Thorson, T.J.; Mumm, D.R.; Botvinick, E.L.; Mohraz, A., Microstructural Characteristics of Bijel-Templated Porous Materials, MATERIALIA, 7, 100393 (2019)

Kaganyuk, M.; Mohraz, A., Role of Particles in the Rheology of Solid-Stabilized High Internal Phase Emulsions, JOURNAL OF COLLOID AND INTERFACE SCIENCE, 540, 197-206 (2019)

Thorson, T.J.; Botvinick, E.L.; Mohraz, A., Composite Bijel-Templated Hydrogels for Cell Delivery, ACS BIOMATERIALS SCIENCE & ENGINEERING, 4(2), 587-594 (2018) (cover article)

Kwon, S.R.; Pallavi, F.N.U.; Shi, Y; Oyoyo, U; Mohraz, A.; Li, Y., Effect of Bleaching Gel Viscosity on Tooth Whitening Efficacy and Pulp Chamber Penetration: An In Vitro Study, OPERATIVE DENTISTRY, 43(3), 326-334 (2018)

Mohraz, A., Emulsions: Simple Shaking Yields Bicontinuity, NATURE NANOTECHNOLOGY, 12(11), 1021 (2017)

Kaganyuk, M.; Mohraz, A., Nonmonotonic Dependence of Pickering Emulsion Gel Rheology on Particle Volume Fraction, SOFT MATTER, 13, 2513-2522 (2017)

Mohraz, A., Interfacial Routes to Colloidal Gelation, CURRENT OPINION IN COLLOID AND INTERFACE SCIENCE, 25, 89-97 (2016)

Mahboubi, H.; Mohraz, A.; Verma, S.P., Evaluation of Heating and Shearing on the Viscoelastic Properties of Calcium Hydroxyapatite Used in Injection Laryngoplasty, OTOLARYNGOLOGY-HEAD AND NECK SURGERY, 154, 498-501 (2016)

Witt, J.A.; Mumm, D.R.; Mohraz, A., Microstructural Tunability of Co-Continuous Bijel-Derived Electrodes to Provide High Energy and Power Densities, JOURNAL OF MATERIALS CHEMISTRY A, 4, 1000-1007 (2016)

Que, R.; Mohraz, A.; Da Silva, N.A.; Wang, S.W., Expanding Functionality of Recombinant Human Collagen Through Engineered Non-Native Cysteines, BIOMACROMOLECULES, 15, 3540-3549 (2014)

Chan, H.K.; Mohraz, A., Microdynamics of Dense Colloidal Suspensions and Gels under Constant-Stress Deformation, JOURNAL OF RHEOLOGY, 58, 1419-1439 (2014) (Invited article for a themed issue on Colloidal Gel Rheology)

Chan, H.K.; Mohraz, A., An Instrument Design Concept to Minimize Creep Ringing during Step-Stress Experiments with Viscoelastic Materials, APPLIED PHYSICS LETTERS, 105, Art. No. 034102 (2014)

Witt, J.A.; Mumm, D.R.; Mohraz, A., Bijel Reinforcement by Droplet Bridging: a Route to Bicontinuous Materials with Large Domains, SOFT MATTER, 9, 6773-6780 (2013) (Invited article for a themed issue on Emerging Investigators in Soft Matter, Featured as "Hot Paper" on the May 2013 Soft Matter Blog)

Chan, H.K.; Mohraz, A, A Simple Shear Cell for the Direct Visualization of Step-Stress Deformation in Soft Materials, RHEOLOGICA ACTA, 52, 383-394 (2013) (Invited article for the special issue on Novel Trends in Rheology)

Lee, M.N.; Thijssen, J.H.J.; Witt, J.A.; Clegg, P.S.; Mohraz, A., Making a Robust Interfacial Scaffold: Bijel Rheology and its link to Processability, ADVANCED FUNCTIONAL MATERIALS, 23, 417-423 (2013)

Rajaram, B; Mohraz, A., Steady Shear Microstructure in Dilute Colloid–Polymer Mixtures, SOFT MATTER, 8, 7699-7707 (2012)

Shindel, M; Wang, S.W.; Mohraz, A., Interfacial Polymer Phase Segregation and Self-Assembly of Square Colloidal Crystals, SOFT MATTER, 8, 6684-6688 (2012)

Mirsepassi, A; Rajaram, B; Mohraz, A.; Dunn-Rankin, D, Particle Chaining and Chain Dynamics in Viscoelastic Liquids, JOURNAL OF NON-NEWTONIAN FLUID MECHANICS, 179, 1-8 (2012)

Chan, H.K.; Mohraz, A., Two-Step Yielding and Directional Strain-Induced Strengthening in Dilute Colloidal Gels, PHYSICAL REVIEW E, 85, 4, Art. No. 041403 (2012)

Lee, M.N.; Chan, H.K.; Mohraz, A., Characteristics of Pickering Emulsion Gels Formed by Droplet Bridging, LANGMUIR, 28, 6, 3085-3091 (2012) (Cover Article)

Rajaram, B; Mohraz, A., Dynamics of Shear-Induced Yielding and Flow in Dilute Colloidal Gels, PHYSICAL REVIEW E, 84, 1, Art. No. 011405 (2011)

Lee, M.N.; Mohraz, A., Hierarchically Porous Silver Monoliths from Colloidal Bicontinuous Interfacially Jammed Emulsion Gels, JOURNAL OF THE AMERICAN CHEMICAL SOCIETY, 133, 18, 6945-6947 (2011)

Lee, M.N.; Mohraz, A., Bicontinuous Macroporous Materials from Bijel Templates, ADVANCED MATERIALS, 22, 4836-4841 (2010) (Inside Cover Article)

Rajaram, B.; Mohraz, A., Microstructural Response of Dilute Colloidal Gels to Nonlinear Shear Deformation, SOFT MATTER, 6, 2246-2259 (2010)

Pickrahn, K.; Rajaram, B.; Mohraz, A., Relationship Between Microstructure, Dynamics, and Rheology in Polymer-Bridging Colloidal Gels, LANGMUIR, 26, 4, 2392-2400 (2010)

Shindel, M.M.; Mohraz, A.; Mumm, D.R.; Wang, S.W., Modulating Colloidal Adsorption on a Two-Dimensional Protein Crystal, LANGMUIR, 25, 2, 1038-1046 (2009)

George, M.C.; Mohraz, A.; Piech, M.; Bell, N.S.; Lewis, J.A.; Braun, P.V., Direct Laser Writing of Photoresponsive Colloids for Microscale Patterning of 3D Porous Structures, ADVANCED MATERIALS, 21, 66-70 (2009) (Cover Article)

Mohraz, A.; Weeks, E.R.; Lewis, J.A., Structure and Dynamics of Biphasic Colloidal Mixtures, PHYSICAL REVIEW E, 77, 6, Art. No. 060403 (2008)

Roberts, M.T.; Mohraz, A.; Christensen, K.T., et al., Direct Flow of Colloidal Gels in Microfluidic Channels, LANGMUIR, 23, 8726-8731 (2007)

Mohraz, A.; Solomon, M.J., Gelation and Internal Dynamics of Colloidal Rod Aggregates, JOURNAL OF COLLOID AND INTERFACE SCIENCE, 300, 1, 155-162 (2006)

Plunkett, K.N.; Mohraz, A.; Haasch, R.T., et al., Light-Regulated Electrostatic Interactions in Colloidal suspensions, JOURNAL OF THE AMERICAN CHEMICAL SOCIETY, 127, 42, 14574-14575 (2005)

Mohraz, A.; Solomon, M.J., Direct Visualization of Colloidal Rod Assembly by Confocal Microscopy, LANGMUIR, 21, 12, 5298-5306 (2005) (Cover Article)

Mohraz, A.; Solomon, M.J., Orientation and Rupture of Fractal Colloidal Gels During Start-Up of Steady Shear Flow, JOURNAL OF RHEOLOGY, 49, 657-681 (2005)

Mohraz, A.; Moler, D.B.; Ziff, R.M., et al., Effect of Monomer Geometry on the Fractal Structure of Colloidal Rod Aggregates, PHYSICAL REVIEW LETTERS 92,15, Art. No. 155503 (2004)

Professor Mohraz


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